
My Story: Following My Curiosity

I’ve ALWAYS been intrigued by wellness. 

When I was little, I was the first to volunteer for grocery store trips with my mom — especially on Sundays when my siblings were screaming at the TV for the Packers to bring home a win! 

(Yes, I preferred to grocery shop with my mom instead of watching football, so clearly, an interest in wellness started at an early age…)  

No matter how old I was, I LOVED the feeling of setting myself up for a successful week.

I felt as though the simple act of buying ‘healthy’ groceries alone was the ticket to success. 

I also realized at a young age that designing and creating jewelry, decorating my room (with bright lime green stripes, I might add), playing with outfits, and subscribing to magazines like Domino and InStyle was incredibly internally aligning. 

Through those little creative activities, I found a sense of “wordlessness” that I now know to be called mindfulness. It also brought me joy!

The truth is, style and design can have a tremendous effect on our mood, sense of self, and overall wellbeing.

Fast forward to college…  

My interest in health and wellness began to mature during my undergrad at Marquette University, taking classes in women’s health, nutrition, environmental communication, world health, and more — dreaming about starting my own wellness business in the process.

Little did I know that one podcast catapulted me into doing exactly THAT.

As luck would have it, on my first date with my now-husband, I asked him if he listened to the Rich Roll Podcast when I saw that he ordered a soy latte — which, at the time, was not as mainstream as it is now. 

Wide-eyed, he paused to look at me and began to share how Rich inspired him to become a plant-based ultramarathoner!

We were clearly meant for each other, but more importantly --

He inspired me to chase this dream of having a wellness business and embrace a plant-based lifestyle, too. That’s when I dove deeper into studying nutrition through Cornell’s certificate program, experimenting with a vegan diet and *truly* walking the walk. 

One final certification in holistic nutrition later, I’ve been thrilled to work with others to show how wellness and joy can be synonymous — and that it can look different for EVERYONE.

Your wellness could be wearing red lipstick. Donning overalls with clogs. Eating lettuce. Choosing clean beauty products.

No matter how YOU feel joy, our work together will prioritize welcoming MORE of it in your life with customized wellness practices.

Together, I want to help you learn how to elevate your lifestyle so you live a long and healthy life! 

About Maddie —

Maddie Cayo is a health coach with a passion for helping women feel their best through a plant-powered plate, intentional living practices, and confidence-boosting style. Her lifelong curiosity towards all things health and wellness inspired her to complete Cornell University’s Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate after listening to many physicians speak about the transformative nature born of eating more plants. Maddie started to connect the dots that her mission was simple: help people feel better through practical nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

To fulfill this mission, Maddie most recently completed Bauman College’s Nutrition Consultant program where she further honed her knowledge around how to fuel your body to experience true health and joy. When she isn’t meeting with clients, you can find Maddie sipping on an oat milk latte (yes, she drinks caffeine!), dreaming of the next trip she will take with her husband (did someone say the Faroe Islands?) cooking a nourishing meal or listening to podcasts with new tips that help serve her community.